run while you can

Orion and wintertime.

Echoing again and again. Madison, WI. Winter 2011.

We used to buy secondhand flannel
the shirts that kept you warm
under a couple blankets,
sleeping, twos, threes,
on air-mattresses.
There were bats
at night, only when we slept.
We chased them away
easily with brooms.
Now, catch me standing, staring,
the south-east sky
at Orion and wintertime.
Forming obtuse sculptures,
conversation pieces
to fill the silence.
Everything was art, cockeyed.
Close your mouth,
look at the lights.
Someone, grasping shoulders,
“Miracles are real;
miracles happen.”
Stretch this, bend that,
suddenly someone laughs,
and there you have it.

Obscure Orion. Madison, WI. Winter 2011.

One response

  1. Getting the band back together! How did you manage to take photographs in the Chazen, amigo?

    December 29, 2011 at 3:10 am

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